Wednesday, August 9, 2020
Day 68
Miles: 78.91 – Total accent: 1,706 ft. – Hours: 5 hours, 59 minute
Totals:. Miles- 3,443.93  – Accent- 106,690 feet climbed
287 hrs 58 minutes in the saddle
The journey continues.
As we leave those we love, we are grateful for the time we’ve shared. Traveling by bicycle, not only do we enjoy special experiences that can only be garnished by being so close to nature, but we also embrace how fragile life is. While we take all precautions possible… stopping at stop signs and signals, riding as far right as possible, dodging storms by monitoring the weather via radar, lights both in front and back of the bikes, proper tire pressure, good food and vitamins. Yes. You can do everything right and things can still go wrong. And sometimes, you can live haphazardly and live to be 90.
Regardless, we celebrate the sun rising, the beauty of the sky painted with clouds, the rustle of corn husks and feeling of our bodies moving in sync with the bicycles…both of us uncannily shifting at the same time as if we were on a tandem.
We are back in the corn/soybean fields and welcome it. The traffic is sparse and it’s relaxing to ride amongst the corps.
We find ‘second coffee’ in Lapel, Indiana where we meet Donna and Angela. Fabulous cups of vanilla latte and we are ready to forage forward.
Winding our way, we crossed a train track just before the train arrived. We’ve learned there still is a lot that is transported by rail.
Next, the Cardinal Greenway Trail. Oh so beautiful!! The trail is very well maintained. We are now traveling on a great surface amongst trees. So nice!
And yes. We’re monitoring the storm cells as we continue to get severe storm/tornado warnings.
We slow at one point to keep from pushing into a cell and then get some sprinkles. The cell behind us is catching us so back on the trail to outrun it. A few miles further, a local cyclist joins us. It’s so fun to chat with someone from the area. As we near Richmond, he gives us advice regarding roads.
Soon we are at the KOA camp owned by a couple from Santa Barbara, California! So fun talking with them about their move and owning the camp. We had plan to tent camp tonight but with the threat of a huge rainstorm, we decided on a small cabin.
Once settled, we were able to get a gluten free pizza at the KOA store and settle in for the evening.
It has been an amazing day!
So blessed.
So grateful.

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