Friday, August 4, 2023
Day 63
Sammons Point, Illinois to Indiana Beach, Indiana
Miles: 88.55 – Total accent: 1,024 – Hours: 6 hours, 46 minutes
Totals:. Miles- 3,282.81 – Accent- 103,593 feet climbed
274 hrs 34 minutes in the saddle
With a fog advisory, we headed to Love’s truck stop for coffee and breakfast. Miles and miles of crops and flat terrain had us feeling like we were in an endless corn maze. Everything was beginning to look the same.
Road closed ahead. Detour. One after the other. Finally, at one I suggested we go to see why it was closed. Thankfully, it was a bridge, closed to cars but passable by bicycle.
Next, we found ourselves riding along a river. There was a cabin followed by a gazebo overlooking the river. The owner was standing in the yard across the street. I asked if they swam in the river and he said with a odd look… no way!
Along another stretch, a huge rainbird/irrigation system was watering the field. The end rainbird was misaligned which meant it was watering the street. Woohoo! You’re never too old to play in the sprinklers during summer!! And yes! I thought of you Patty Peoples!
After several hours in the saddle, we arrive in Indiana Beach. It is a very busy camp with lots of activity. We set up camp which paled in comparison to others who had elaborate shelters, bistro lights, sound systems and a huge inflatable big screen. Wow!! It was impressive.
One more long day before arriving in Noblesville to visit family. We are so looking forward to it!
Camped at the KOA holiday at Indiana Beach.

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